Carolina Buoy Data

Air Temperature Water Temperature Wind Direction @ Speed Wind Gust Speed Barometer Barometer Trend Wave Height Wave Dominant Period
Tabular Buoy data with links to each Buoy
ID | Name | Time EST |
Air °F |
Water °F |
Wind mph |
Gust mph |
Baro in |
Trend in |
Waves ft |
Period Sec |
41033 | Fripp Nearshore | No recent reports. | ||||||||
SCIS1 | South Capers Island, SC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41424 | 370 NM East of Charleston, SC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
JMPN7 | Wrightsville Beach, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41027 | Sunset Mid-Shelf | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41035 | ONSLOW BAY, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41037 | 27 miles SE of Wrightsville Beach, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41038 | 5 miles SE of Wrightsville Beach, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
ORIN7 | Oregon Inlet Marina, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
BFTN7 | Beaufort, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41024 | Sunset Nearshore (SUN 2) | No recent reports. | ||||||||
FRPS1 | Fripps Inlet, SC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41030 | Capers Mid-Shelf (CAP 3) | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41029 | Capers Nearshore (CAP 2) | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41013 | FRYING PAN SHO | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41025 | Diamond Shoals | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41001 | Cape HATTERAS | No recent reports. | ||||||||
FBIS1 | Folly Island, SC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41004 | EDISTO | No recent reports. | ||||||||
41002 | S HATTERAS | No recent reports. | ||||||||
FPSN7 | Frying Pan Shoals, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
CLKN7 | Cape Lookout, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
DUCN7 | Duck Pier, NC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
MROS1 | Springmaid Pier, SC | No recent reports. | ||||||||
SNSN7 | Sunset Beach, NC | No recent reports. |